@inrupt/solid-client-notifications API Documentation#

@inrupt/solid-client-notifications is a JavaScript library for subscribing to notifications sent by a Solid server. These notifications may be sent synchronously or asynchronously.

For Solid Servers that support notifications, they are sent when a resource is created, updated, deleted, or when a child resource is added to or removed from a container.

Supported Protocols

This library currently only supports an Inrupt Enterprise Solid Server version of WebSocket notifications.

The ESS Websocket Notifications protocol formed the basis of the new Solid Notification Protocol 1.0 draft specification, which is undergoing technical review as it matures into a formal recommendation.

Please note: the legacy WebSockets Specification, referenced by the current Solid Specification, is not and will not be, supported by this library.

It is part of a family open source JavaScript libraries designed to support developers building Solid applications.


For the latest stable version of solid-client-notifications:

npm install @inrupt/solid-client-notifications


See the release notes.

Supported environments#

Our JavaScript Client Libraries use relatively modern JavaScript, aligned with the ES2018 Specification features, we ship both ESM and CommonJS, with type definitions for TypeScript alongside.

This means that out of the box, we only support environments (browsers or runtimes) that were released after mid-2018, if you wish to target other (older) environments, then you will need to cross-compile our SDKs via the use of Babel, webpack, SWC, or similar.

If you need support for Internet Explorer, it is recommended to pass them through a tool like Babel, and to add polyfills for e.g. Map, Set, Promise, Headers, Array.prototype.includes, Object.entries and String.prototype.endsWith.

Additionally, when using this package in an environment other than Node.js, you will need a polyfill for Node’s buffer module.

Node.js Support#

Our JavaScript Client Libraries track Node.js LTS releases, and support 14.x, and 16.x.

Issues & Help#

Solid Community Forum#

If you have questions about working with Solid or just want to share what you’re working on, visit the Solid forum. The Solid forum is a good place to meet the rest of the community.

Bugs and Feature Requests#

  • For public feedback, bug reports, and feature requests please file an issue via Github.

  • For non-public feedback or support inquiries please use the Inrupt Service Desk.

API Documentation#


